I love this app! Ive had for months now and I love it. However, it lacks a lot of things that could make it a five stars. First of all, I was making a game that was 32 frames long. But when I play it, its so slow. Also, the X button on the top right corner doesnt work. I also wish you could post your games online so others could play it. The controls are also a little bit buggy. I also wish that the battling is a little better. Just pushing the fight button or poison button that comes with your weapon isnt enough. It would be cool if you had an inventory, potions, potions you can buy, magic, attacks that you can create in your game that a player could use in a certain level they achieve. As you can see, it can be a lot better. The game has a lot of potential. If all of this was added, Id pay millions of play it. Dont get me wrong though, I love the app. But it needs and update. Thanks Scott for a wonderful game! Just please add this stuff and fix the bugs and the lag. Thanks!
DaDerpyTurtle about 8-Bit RPG Creator